Walk With Grace

“Hold yourself to a state of grace, not a state of perfection.”

Quite a weekend for all of us as our family, friends and broader community joined us on Saturday, June 1 to ‘Walk With Grace’. An amazing and profound event that reinforced just how much support and love surrounds us. Perfect from start to finish! Thanks so much to all who worked so hard to make this day happen – another moment of Grace we will remember forever. 

This was the first ever Westchester County, NY National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Walk.  ‘Walk with Grace’ raised awareness and donations of just under $50,000. In collaboration with the Grace Holland Cozine Foundation and NEDA this money will be used to fund the causes and programs that were so important to Grace. 

Every dollar contributed to NEDA in Grace’s memory will go to The Body Project, an initiative dedicated to providing education to schools. Backed by two decades of research and evaluation data, The Body Project is a group-based intervention that provides a forum for women and girls to confront unrealistic beauty ideals and engages them in the development of healthy body image through verbal, written and behavioral exercises.