Climb with Grace Goal Met

“After what can only be described as a life changing journey, the seven of arrived home on Thursday, jet-lagged, a bit fatigued but changed for the better…forever. I have been blessed to be joined on this incredible adventure by an amazing band of brothers who were with me every step of the way as we ventured far from our respective comfort zones and scaled the largest mountain in Africa. Though incredibly challenging, there was never any doubt that our Climb With Grace would be successful. After all it was always about the journey not the destination.

Patty, Biz, Sophie and I would also like to express our profound gratitude to each and every one of you for your generous contributions. We set an ambitious goal and based upon your love and generosity we were able to meet it…one day after reaching the summit! Your contributions will allow The Grace Holland Cozine Foundation to partner with NEDA on the type of projects that were so important to Gracie. We have been working closely Rye Neck and Great Neck to role out the Body Project which will provide a forum for potentially at risk individuals to talk about body image and related issues in an open and safe way. We are excited about this initiative and will keep you updated as we move forward.

Much love to all!”

“Yellow” by Coldplay